The pub based South London Book Club

We meet every 3-4 weeks in the Effra social in Brixton to chat about our current book and then to vote on what we’re reading next using the Brixton Book Group choosing doodle. We read any and every genre of book, from Sci-Fi to the Classics. Everyone is welcome!

Pint and book drawing

What we’re reading next:

A big turnout for the new year to chat about Brighton Rock and Cuddy. Sadly Pete your book group admin couldn’t make this one, but thank you to Miles for stepping in and doing the doodle.

Book for next time is Termush by Sven Holm. Runners up included the Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst, Hard Copy by Fien Veldman, Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski, The Emperor by Ryszard Kapuściński’, The Plague by Albert Camus, White Noise by Don Dellio and the Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera.

Next meeting will be on (NOTE new date!) Thursday 20th of Feb in the Effra Social from 7.30ish – everyone welcome.

We will also be pitching a long read in addition to our monthly-ish book.

Did you know we have merch? of course you did, here’s a handy link to the shop.

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How it works

We’re a relaxed group that meets in a pub setting every 3-4 weeks. There’s no joining fee or criteria – it’s open to all.

At the start of each meeting we start with introductions and the opportunity to share your thoughts on the book chosen. We then try to discuss the book in the round, and when the conversation has moved on it’s time to pick what we read next.

You can pitch anything you like – we have read almost every genre available from graphic novels to science fiction (and everything in between) from fiction to non-fiction, classics and contemporary. All the pitches go in the ‘voting doodle’ and then we vote for what to read next. There’s only one rule – if your book wins, you have to come to the next meeting to face the music or revel in the glory of your book choice.

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What we’ve read before

You can view an ever growing list of every book we’ve ever read (since October 2005!) or view our gallery of book group doodles via instagram.